As school starts at the end of January, many families wish to relocate prior to starting the school year, around Christmas time. This makes it one of our busiest times of year. However, being summer holidays much of Australia winds down including the real estate market. Estate agents will be shut from 20th December and the market will only start to warm up from mid-January. This may mean your employees have to stay in short-term accommodation while there is very little available on the rental market. It’s peak season for short-term accommodation so expect to pay premiums.
Your First Christmas in Australia
They say it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but for many, Christmas is a time they’d rather come and go quickly. Thousands of Australians and expats who call our shores home won’t have family to spend the holidays with. Fortunately, there are many events you can attend before on or after Christmas Day. Below are some suggestions.
Carols in the Domain (Sydney) – 21st December
Carols by Candlelight (Melbourne) – 24th December
Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race – 26th December
Boxing Day Test (Melbourne) – 26th December
There are also numerous “Orphan Christmas Day” functions held throughout Australia. These are open to anyone who do not have relations or families in Australia. They are typically sponsored by the local council or church and are free to attend. Generally, you will bring your own food/drink. Alternatively, you will find many other options where you can purchase tickets and all the food/drink is provided.