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Sustainability Policy

Our Commitment:

Elite Woodhams Relocation (EWR) recognises its duty to comply with relevant Environmental / Sustainability Management legislation. EWR believes that we have a responsibility to care for and protect the environment in which we operate. We are fully committed to improving environmental and sustainability performance across all of our business activities, and will encourage our business partners and members of the wider community to join us in this effort.

EWR is committed not only to complying with applicable law in all of its operations but to minimise risks and impacts through the development of robust and documented systems to implement, measure, monitor, and disseminate excellent environmental performance both within its operations and to the broader community.

EWR is dedicated to encouraging the 3Ps of sustainability: the triple bottom line.

PLANET – being green efficient

PEOPLE – good health & wellbeing, quality education, flexibility

PROFIT – decent work and economic growth

Sustainability is how each business manages and grows and that is why EWR follows the guidelines and 17 goals as set by the United Nations.


1.1 Key Impacts

EWR recognises our direct key impacts to be in the areas of:

  • Usage of water, electricity, office supplies

  • Usage of paper/printer

  • Quantity of waste production

  • CO2 impact due to office heating, air and rail travel per year / per office (quantitative data)

EWR recognises our indirect key impacts to be in the areas of:

CO2 emission caused by employees commuting to and from work per year/per office (quantitative data)

1.2 Other Commitments  


Initiatives for the planet is more than just recycle and reuse, rather it features across several goals of the United Nations including industry, innovation and infrastructure, sustainable cities and communities. EWR aims to meet the guidelines and goals thorough:

  • Operating in an ecologically sustainable manner by identifying, adopting and promoting an effective environmental management system that is appropriate to our business and services

  • Using resources efficiently and continue to look for ways to minimise waste, and reduce our consumption of energy, water, and other resources

  • Adopting the highest environmental/sustainability standards in all areas of operation, meeting and exceeding all relevant legislative requirements

  • Considering environmental aspects in the purchase of goods and services and their energy and consumption use

  • Purchasing sustainable products wherever feasible [e.g. recycled, FSC or low environmental impact products and energy from renewable sources]

  • Striving for continual improvement in environmental performance by regularly monitoring and reviewing our current practices

  • Striving to be a paperless office: our confirmations, contracts and assorts are all digital and signed digitally by management

  • Ensuring that lights are turned off when not in use and all computers across the team are switched off at the end of each day and are not left idle overnight. We have also set up computers to go into sleep mode after 10 minutes of idling.

  • Training employees in good environmental and sustainable practice and encourage employee involvement in environmental action

  • EWR encourages the team to catch public transport and carpool when attending offsite meetings to reduce the emissions

  • Aiming to include environmental and ethical considerations in investment decisions where appropriate

  • Assisting in developing solutions to environmental problems

  • Working with suppliers who promote sound environmental practices

  • Continually assessing the environmental impact of all our operations




EWR works towards meeting the guidelines of sustainability for the people and incorporates health & wellbeing, poverty, gender equality and decent work and economic growth.

  • EWR has teams across the globe of which work is distributed to. For example, giving a Papua New Guinee assignment to a local EWR employee help that person be sustainable for their family by be able to provide food on the table and money to buy essentials which in turn works towards the UN goals of women’s equality, no poverty, zero hunger and partnerships with goals

  • We have policies in place such as the anti-bullying and diversity and inclusion policy to work towards reduced inequalities within the workplace and giving equal opportunities to staff and applicants.

  • We engage in an intern program to give opportunities to young people from around the world in learning about business.

  • We recognise that employees have other commitments outside of work such as caring for young & old. We therefore operate a flexible work arrangement between office & home and around schedules as meets both personal and business needs. Being aware and facilitating this allows employees to be as productive as possible in the work they do.

  • EWR encourages learning & development. There are weekly internal Training Thursday sessions as well as meets and opportunities to attend webinars and training sessions to promote quality development & education amongst the team. Staff also participate in CPD training delivered by industry associations relevant to the job scope.

  • Having staff with different backgrounds and speaking several languages as a collective helps our customers feel supported and understood.

  • Staff are provided with second screens, stand up desks and ergonomically designed chairs to support comfortable working conditions.

  • Staff are encouraged to leave their desk during the day for frequent rest breaks, walks, taking lunch away from their desks.

  • EWR engaged an outsourced Wellness Coach to deliver a series of 6 workshops covering stress management, setting boundaries, healthy work and life skills. Each employee was also given 1-on-1 sessions for confidential support.




Being a sustainable business includes economic growth and being sustainable in times of difficulty. Covid is an example where our business is realigning and adapting to the constant changing times by assessing the needs of our employees, customers and suppliers.

  • EWR has 30-day payment terms which helps our suppliers including small businesses to be sustainable especially during these times

  • We also ask our clients to commit to 30 days payment terms so we can stay a sustainable business to pay our employees and suppliers alike.

  • Having flexible working arrangements help boost staff morale and in-turn generates more profit with higher client satisfaction leading to more repeat business and new business


EWR is about making meaningful change through small steps. We want to engage in the process and move the dial of change, not simply greenwash for corporate benefit.

EWR has developed a series of action plans to supplement each of our Environmental / Sustainability Management Policy objectives. These can be found as an appendix to this policy.


EWR will periodically review this Environmental / Sustainability Management Policy (at least one time a year during the management review) and the performance and publish these results.




Questions, comments and requests regarding this sustainability policy are welcomed and should be addressed to

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